Celeb Drama, Epic Comebacks & Grimes' Millions 💰

The juicy details on BAYC's lawsuit, DeGods' big revival, and how Grimes cashed in huge on NFTs!

📣What's Up in the Web3 | NFT | AI World?

Welcome to the latest edition of our NFT News! In this issue, we'll take a look at some of the biggest news stories from the past week, including:

The Latest from the Web3 | AI World

👀 A Look Back at the Week

Grimes Made More Money From NFTs

Did you see that interview with Grimes about her experience selling NFT art? Wild stuff.

So get this: back in 2021, when NFT mania was peaking, Grimes made a whopping $6 million selling her digital artworks on Nifty Gateway. Six million bucks! Just totally bonkers.

Now here's the crazy part - she said that one NFT drop made her more money than her entire music career before that. Yup, you read that right! All those hit songs and albums, and she made more from a single NFT sale.

Grimes credits her brother for convincing her to jump into NFTs early. He saw that it was going to be huge. And he was right—it totally changed Grimes' financial situation overnight.

But now Grimes says she's kind of disappointed with how things turned out. In her view, too many people just got greedy and ruined the original community vibe. Harsh but real talk

Still, she's hopeful that after this "crypto winter" passes, NFTs can get back on track and be a positive thing for artists. Fingers crossed!

Sotheby’s, Madonna, and Paris Hilton sued over BAYC

Hey folks, major drama with the Bored apes: Sotheby's and a bunch of celebrities are being sued! 😲

The lawsuit claims that Sotheby's shady auction pumped up prices, and famous folks like Paris Hilton and Madonna promoted Bored Apes just to make quick cash.

Apparently, the real buyer of that $24 million Sotheby's auction was FTX! Not a traditional art collector like they claimed. Super sketchy stuff.

So people who bought into the hype and paid crazy high prices are understandably pissed. Now the Bored Apes aren't worth much.

Will this lawsuit pop the celebrity NFT hype bubble? We'll see! I've got to say, feel bad for regular folks who got duped while celebs and executives laughed all the way to the bank.

Let me know what you think—were BAYC founders and their celebrity pals just pulling a pump and dump? Read more…

DeGods NFT Sales Surge Over $2.5M After Teasing Upcoming Season 3

Have you heard about the DeGods NFT collection blowing up again? These things are on fire!🔥

After teasing their upcoming Season 3 drop, DeGods saw over $2.5 million in trading volume last week. That's a 6-fold jump from the week before! Wild!

Now the floor price is back up to 1.5 ETH. I've got to say, it's pretty impressive for an NFT project from 2021 to make such a big comeback with new mints.

I know some of you bought DeGods last year and were bummed when prices dropped. Well, now's your chance to get back in the game!

Volume is popping and new big name collabs are coming; it looks like DeGods are rising from the ashes to reclaim their status as blue-chip NFTs. Read more…

😎 Other cool things to check out:

We know you're interested in learning about AI, so we wanted to let you know that we just published new blog posts about AI Chatbots comparison.

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Must Read 📰

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We hope you enjoyed this quick overview of the latest news in Web3, NFTs, and AI. Stay tuned for more updates!